Thursday, December 2, 2010

It is that time of year again...

The most wonderful time of year! I love christmas preperations and the Advent is for me a time to spend with family, baking, cleaning (within reason :Þ) and decorating. One of my favorite decoration is the Advent wreath. I used to make it a circle, but last year I decided to go out of my "box" and found this clever candle holder. It has a trey underneath that makes it possible to water it and keep the spruce fresh. And the scent is heavenly :D Have a joyous Advent!


  1. GARG!!!!! flott!!!!! Tek áhættuna á að hljóma eins og klikkaður stalker en hvar í ósköpunum færðu þennan snilldar aðventukransahaldara með skál????
    Kveðja, Svala (Skrapp og

  2. Mikið rosalega er hann fallegur kransinn og skálin er SNILLD!!!

  3. Takk takk, en kransahaldarann fékk ég í Rúmfatalagernum í fyrra, þeirri eðalverslun :D



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