Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Christmas

Happy holidays everyone!

It has been a wonderful holiday season for me. We even got a fare share of light bright white snow the past week. I don´t think it has snowed this much in years up here. The creaking sound when walking on this kind of snow makes my heart sing and it is a true privilege to have a skiing mountain just 5 min drive from my house. Today, one can literally ski all the way from the top of the mountain down to my doorstep :Þ how cool is that!

Here are a few photos I took out my windows a couple of days ago while it was snowing heavily!

More Christmas cards

A few cards I made using a Stamping Up tree stamp

Nokkur kort sem ég gerði með Stamping up stimpli

Friday, November 13, 2009


Ég var svo heppin að vera boðið að vera gestahönnuður í nóvember fyrir FK scrap. Ég fékk í hendurnar nóvember pakkninguna þeirra, sem er algjör draumur! Og hann er svo fallegur báðu megin að ég var í vandræðum með að velja hvora hliðina ég átti að nota. :Þ Myndirnar eru af Kamillu í Kjarnaskógi í sumar. Ég notaði sandpappír og puttana til að gera kantana á pappír, myndir og stafi. Svo raðaði ég litlum bling steinum í hringi utan um perlurnar, EINN í EINU með töng :D Perlurnar eru sjálflímandi. Takk fyrir mig FK scrap skvísur :D


Forest fairy

This lo is done for FK scrap, a fantastic scrap store here in Iceland. I was so lucky to be invited to be a guest designer for their november kit, an awesome kit! The photos are taken in a small forest closeby. The edges of the paper, photos and letters are distressed by sanding. Also I lined up the small rhinestones in circles around the pearls, ONE by ONE!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snow globe

I stumbled across this snow globe at a local craft store. They are made with a 1/4" wide space insert in the middle. Perfect for scrapping :D although they are promoting them just to insert a couple of photos. I only bought one to try out. So I grabbed a couple of photos I had laying around on my desk and did a quick layout. I will definitely do more, it is so easy to do and I think they are just the perfect gift.



Ég rakst á þessa snjókúlu í A4 um daginn. Það er ca 6mm bil í miðjunni á þeim. ALVEG frábært til að skrappa í :D þó svo að þeir geri út á að fólk skelli bara tveimur myndum inní. (sem er auðvitað alveg í lagi líka :D) Ég keypti bara eina til að prófa, svo ég notaði bara tvær gamlar myndir sem lágu hér á borðinu mínu og skellti mér í nokkuð einfalda hönnun. Ég á alveg örugglega eftir að gera fleiri, það er svo auðvelt og gman að gera þetta og svo er þetta náttúrulega svo sniðug gjöf.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Multi Color Embossing

My friend Barbara asked if I could do a full tutorial on how I make a multi color embossing card. Here is how I do it. It really is pretty simple, but what isn't when you know how to :D

You might need to click the photo to enlarge it, I hope it isn't to small.

1. Supplies I used, SU snowflake stamp set, black cardstock, versamark ink pad, 3 different colors of embossing powders. You can mix up brands and colors. I used white diamond, clear and silver.

2. Ink up your stamp with versamark ink, I like to start with the biggest stamp and work my way down to the smallest.
3. Stamp the image randomly a few times. (re-ink the stamp in between)
4. Pour embossing powder (I used white) over the stamped images and dust of excess to a scrap paper.
5. Pour the excess powder back into the jar. Making a crease into the paper makes it easier.
6. Heat emboss, using a heat gun.
7. Re-ink your stamp/s (if using more than one) and stamp randomly again, overlapping a few images to the ones already embossed.
8. Pour embossing powder (I used silver) over the stamped images and dust of excess as before. Don't worry about the already embossed images, the embossing powder does not stick to them.
9. Heat emboss these images, try to avoid heating too long on the overlapping parts of the images, or they will start to melt into each other. Continue stamping more images and embossing each color. I added a few white ones after doing the clear ones.
10. It is clever to use a larger sheet of cardstock so that you can cut them into different sizes and use for more than one card.
11. Don't forget to clean your stamps, I use baby-wipes, really handy :D
12. For the deco you need a crimped wire and a few beads.
13. Start with the hanging beads, thread the wire down the three beads and then back up (only through the top two beads).
14. Wrap the wire around the stamped cardstock, adding on beads as you go. Twist the ends together at the back, or tape them down.
15. Find a matching cardstock to mat. If you don´t have the exact color you need, it is easy to use an ink pad to pop up the color.

Adhere to a card and add a greeting by choice. I used 3d pads to make mine pop :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More shapes

While I am on about Shari's great designs I thought I'd show you another card I made using hertemplate and design. (there is even a video tutorial :D)

It is a boat shape card I made a couple a weeks ago for my nephews 6th birthday. The left sail folds open for the sentiment, it is tucked under the top button to keep it closed. She is SO clever that girl!

I actually made a cute apron for him and tucked it into a can and made a last minute quick decoration. I hope I am not the only one making things last minute! *grin*. Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of the apron, but it was a total hit as my nephew is one passionate cook! :D

I use a can opener that makes that special cut that leaves no sharp edges you can cut yourself with. I cut the bottom open, use the contents, clean out the can and save for "wrapping" gifts. I just glue the bottom back on when I have stuffed the can with the goodies. Cool huh? :D

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Card shapes

It was my niece's 8 year birthday today and I thought this crown shape would be perfect for her. I just LUV shape cards, they are so much fun to make!

I must give Shari Carroll the credit for this card. She is an incredibly talented artist/designer for Hero Arts and I am lucky to be able to call her my friend :D She is just so inspiring to me, and has been from the moment I met her (about 12 years ago, whoa....that is a long time) She came up with this crown design a while ago but today was the first time I tried it. You can find a template and instructions at the Hero arts blog.

My favorite stamping technique

I just l o v e d making these cards, using the basic grey papers and these super fancy clear stamps from Inkadinkadoo. I distressed the basic grey papers (great for using scrap papers) and inked the edges of a cream cardstock. The birds are stamped using three different red inks to ink it up. I love that technique. The trees are cut out from basic grey "figgy pudding" paper. The tiny tag on the top card is made using shrink plastic. On the bottom card I sprayed with a little Tattered angel shimmer mist before I attached the bird using 3d pads.


Uppáhalds stimplatæknin mín

Það var alveg ótrúlega gaman að gera þessi kort með basic grey pappir og alveg súperfansí akrílstimplum frá Inkadinkadoo. Ég rispaði og bretti up kantana á basic grey pappírnum (flott að nota afganga í þetta) og blekaði kantana á kremuðu kortakartoni. Fuglana stimplaði ég svo með 3 mismunandi rauðu bleki. Ég elska þessa stimpla aðferð. Trén eru klippt úr basic grey "figgy pudding" pappír. Litli merki"spjaldið" á efra kortinu er gert með shrink plastic. Ég spreyjaði smá tattered angels shimmer misti á neðra kortið áður en ég límdi fuglinn á með þrívíddarpúðum.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nálgast Jólin - lifnar yfir öllu!

Í það minnsta lifnar yfir kortagerð hjá mér. Ég veit ekki með ykkur, en ég á það til að kaupa mér eitthvað súperflott dót en einhverra hluta vegna líður svo óralangur tími þar til ég nota það. Þetta gerðist einmitt með þetta ótrúlega flotta SU stimplasett "Lovely as a tree". Ég rétt svo prófaði að bleka þá í fyrra, en svo í síðustu viku dró ég þá loks fram og skemmti mér við að gera nokkur jólakort. Mér finnst yfirleitt ekki mjög gaman að gera mörg eins kort, það er bara svo gaman að prófa mismunandi útfærslur


Christmas is getting closer - lets be merry!

At least my card making gets merry. I don't know about you, but I tend to buy some awesome stuff but for some reason or another I don´t use them right away, if fact sometimes after a long time. That is exactly what happened with this gorgeous stamp set from SU "Lovely as a tree". I merely inked those beauties last year for a test drive, but finally last week I pulled them out to play. I don't particularly like making many copies of the same thing, but I love making lots of different types of a similar design. I love to see the different ways they turn out.

Af þessum gerði ég þó 5 stk, því það var svo mikið maus að gera bakgrunninn. Tók því ekki að sulla út breyerinn fyrir eitt kort :Þ


However I made 5 pieces of this design. It was just too much fuss brayering the background, I am just too lacy to mess upp the brayer for just one card :Þ

Nýjasta skrappið mitt

My latest scrapbook pages

"Hálfnað er verk þá hafið er" stendur einhverstaðar. Það var minna mál en ég hélt að setja upp svona beinagrind af bloggi, svo nú er bara að byrja.

Ég hafði hugsað mér að sýna hér sitt lítið af hverju sem verður til í risasmáa föndurhorninu mínu og jafnvel láta leiðbeiningar fylgja með stöku sinnum í von um að einhver hafi gagn og gaman að.


"Believe you can and you are halfway there" I read somewhere. It was much easier than I had imagined to put up this skeleton of a card/scrap blog, so here I am.

I am planning to show you bits and pieces of what is created in my tiny-huge crafting corner. I might even throw in some "how to's " from time to time for you to learn and enjoy, hopefully.


Ég hannaði þetta snið af umslagakortum fyrir um 2 árum, bjó síðan til smá sýnikennslu á aðferðinni fyrir snappið mitt. Ég hef oft verið...